Your images should be saved in your NPS GoogleDrive account; uploaded from your computer desktop. Make sure each image is saved to GoogleDrive as a .jpeg file. DO NOT save images in a document nor in a presentation.
1. Log into your NPS GoogleDrive account (enter your as your username and touch enter; no need to enter password yet. This will take you to the NPS Google Drive login screen)
2. Click on image to be moved to camera roll
- Tap "i" at upper right of each image
- Select Open In, then select Save image
- Tap and hold on the image
- Tap Save image
If your images are in a Googledoc, take a screen shot of the image (press power button and home button at the same time). Image will be saved to the camera roll.
Images are now accessible in Adobe Voice. Use the "On My iPad' option.
Tap Adobe Voice icon
Tap Create a New Story
Give your story a title -- Make sure to include both the book title AND your first name, last initial in the title!
Tap Next
--Choose a theme or Make up Your Own (then tap Pick this One)
--Choose a slide layout: Tap Layout at the top of the screen
-- insert icon, photo, text
Tap icon > enter search term for the icon you want >tap to select the icon
Tap photo > tap On my iPad if you have photos in the camera roll
> tap Find Photos> enter search term for the photo you want > select the photo
Tap text > enter the text you want to be displayed
-- record
Tap and hold the microphone icon to record > play to preview > re-record if necessary
-- add a slide
Tap + (at lower right corner) to add a new slide
--reorder slides
Tap and hold to drag and reorder the images of the your slides at the bottom
-- Menu items at the top (these may be changed at any time):
Layout - Themes - Music
--Preview your presentation
Preview by tapping the play symbol to the left of your slides.
Tap the sharing icon at the top right
Turn Public off (so only people with the link can view your video)
Tap the clipboard icon (to the left of the camera icon), click Share. This will automatically create a link to your video and copy it to the iPad's clipboard
Log into Google Drive (icon in the dock): Go to the class Googledoc for your block
Find your name and paste the link
Add your iPad #
e.g. Jennifer D #4
Remember to Exit your GoogleDrive account:
Tap left arrow at top left to get out of Doc
Tap lines in top left
Tap your account at the top left
Tap Manage in the top right
Tap Remove
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459
call: (617) 559-6561