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English - Ms O'Reilly - Persepolis: Persepolis

Assignment -- Persepolis Pre-Reading Project

Persepolis is the story of author Marjane Satrapi’s childhood growing up in Iran in the 1970s.  Because the novel takes place in a different culture and time, some context and background information will help us better comprehend the novel. 

With a partner, you will be assigned one or two of the topics below to research. Then you will prepare a TEN slide Powerpoint or Google presentation, which you will present to the class. 


1.    Title Slide:  Topic and your names.
2.    At least 5 images
3.    No dense text (bullet points)
4.    Bibliography Slide

You and your partner may work side-by-side, or you may split up the slides in some equitable way.  Both of you will share the duties of presenting to the class.



The Veil

The Islamic Revolution

The Shah


Karl Marx



Che Guevara

Fidel Castro

Leon Trotsky



Hostage crisis

Current events/Iran

Education before and after revolution

Women before and after revolution



No Effort

Getting There



Intro Slide clearly and neatly states topic and names of presenters.





Image Slide 1-5 includes relevant images and informative captions.










Informational Slides includes bullet points that clearly present the most relevant information to give us a general understanding of the topic. 










Bibliography Slide presents source information in the correct way. 





Neatness Overall:  The presentation is neat and visually interesting.





Presentation:  Presenters speak clearly and audibly and show an understanding of topic. 





Common Core Standards


Text Types and Purposes

1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

  1. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
  2. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.
  3. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
  4. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
  5. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

Reading: Informational Text

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

8. Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning.


Research to Build and Present Knowledge

9. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research

2. Apply grades 9–10 Reading standards to literary nonfiction (e.g., “Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is valid and the evidence is relevant and sufficient; identify false statements and fallacious reasoning”).


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